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Member Stories

Inspiring Women One Adventure at a Time

In February 2023, I was blessed to receive the Dreamland Safari Tours Women of Adventure Award. Originally nominated by Jackie Seidman, founder of the Lehigh Valley Women of Adventures, it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience I will not soon forget. I traveled to Kanab, Utah, along with Jackie Seidman (who also happened to be last year‘s award recipient) for an unforgettable four day and three night experience. This was so much more than just about hiking. It was about connection with other women—all of whom are pioneers—attempting to make a difference in our communities, sharing our own personal experiences, laughter, joy, lifting each other up, and so much more.

We enjoyed a breathtaking hike to Christmas Canyon, camaraderie with former recipients at an informal reception party, a tour of Best Friends animal sanctuary, and so much more. Having gone on this journey has motivated me not only to get out there and inspire other women, but has also renewed my sense of adventure and wonder for the place I come from. It taught me that the world is full of safe and beautiful places and helped me to further embrace my love of the outdoors. I am very grateful for the entire experience. And the truth is, without the Lehigh Women of Adventures group, none of it would’ve been possible.


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